
IntheScreenElementTypedrop-downlist,theSAPGUIFrameWindowtypeisidentifiedautomaticallybyReal-TimeDesigner:2.ClicktheMainRelationTypedrop ...,TheSAPGUIWindowLocatethisdocumentinthenavigationstructure·Menubar·Toolbarforfunctionkeys(system)·Titlebar·Applicationtoolbar·Screenarea ...,SAPGUIPropertyCollectorhelpsyoutodeterminefieldIDsthatyouneedtoextractdatafromanSAPGUItransaction(adynproscreen).Bef...

Viewing SAP Screen Element Identification Details

In the Screen Element Type drop-down list, the SAP GUI Frame Window type is identified automatically by Real-Time Designer: 2. Click the Main Relation Type drop ...

The SAP GUI Window

The SAP GUI Window Locate this document in the navigation structure · Menu bar · Toolbar for function keys (system) · Title bar · Application toolbar · Screen area ...

6.7.1 Identification of UI Elements with SAP GUI Property ...

SAP GUI Property Collector helps you to determine field IDs that you need to extract data from an SAP GUI transaction (a dynpro screen). Before you can ...

5.02.01 SAP Screen Elements Overview

Screen elements are utilized to add on an SAP screen for customization. These elements are listed In the upper right corner and are represented by icons as ...

The User Interface

The User Interface: Main Screen Elements of SAP GUI This section discusses the main features of the SAP GUI Windows interface and all the elements found in ...